Friday, May 11, 2018

May 4 - Lower Calf Creek (and Capitol Reef)

Decide to head down to Capitol Reef for my long week-end. Drove down most of the way (to Richfield) last night. Had plans for a couple of butterfly stops near Provo but clouds from Thursday's storms were still hanging around the base of the mountains - not good for butterflying - but sunny everywhere else. Oh well!

It was a cold night - Richfield sits at 5300 ft and this morning it's 37 degrees when I head out around 6:30 am. Brrrrr! As I drive east, I pass many cows including some that are shrouded by an eerie fog due to the cold. Lots of little calves with those cows.

Lots of wild animals out and a bout this morning.

I'm not far out of Richfield when I have to slow down as 5 deer calmly cross the road ahead of me. A few miles down the road, I see a lone deer in the distance.

The road climbs on a curvy road up to a pass at 7300 ft. No snow but it's 29 degrees and the farmers that have irrigation running have icy vegetation under the spraying water.

As I near the turn to the town of Koosharem, I see a large brown hawk (or maybe a Golden Eagle) on the side of the road eating something, His wings are up protecting his goodies from the crow that sits in wait. Wish I could stop but I'm on a 65mph road with no easement so I just cruise by.

And just outside of Koosharem, I slam on my brakes to avoid hitting 2 deer that decide to cross the road. (There were actually 3 deer, the one had previously crossed.)

Can't forget the smaller bison herd near Torrey (I think). Pretty sure it's not a wild herd - farmed.

In about an hour I arrive in Torrey -- the gateway to Capitol Reef. But my plan is to head down US 12 past Boulder, over the Hogsback to Lower Calf Creek. I was there last year actually almost 1 year to the day (May 5).

US 12 is a curvy scenic road that climbs over Boulder Mt. I pass the viewpoints as they are facing east into the rising sun. But do enjoy seeing the snow that appears as I pass the 8000ft mark. It's only in spots and it's probably less than a few inches but as I get closer to the pass at 9600 ft, the ground is covered. Very pretty! (I do see a lone deer on the way up.)

As I near that pass, I have to stop again. Not for deer but for a lone turkey crossing the road. Actually makes me smile.

Soon I arrive in Boulder and simply pass thru in a blink of an eye. On my way towards the Hogsback,  I see what I think are 2 crows in the middle of the road eating some roadkill but as I approach, up flies one crow and one Turkey Vulture!

Not a bad morning - deer, hawk/eagle, turkey and turkey vulture!!

I arrive on the Hogsback, narrow band of curvy road crossing over white slickrock ridge. The views are amazing but, at least for me, it's a white-knuckle drive. On slip in attention and it's a long way down.

But the Lower Calf Creek trail is somewhere down there!

After I cross, I arrive at the Lower Calf creek parking. I left early because last year I arrived at 9:30 and I got one of the last 2 official parking spots. I arrive just before 9am today and there are plenty of spots - yea!

It's sunny and in the mid-50s - perfect day!

As I start up the 3 mile one-way trail, the first thing I notice is the lack of flowers. Last year, there was so much blooming but today, it's pretty sparse.  I wonder if there will be any butterflies.

There are some flowers blooming but most of the blooming are shrubs & trees

and the gorgeous Claret Catcus!

Lots of birds flitting around and singing wonderful songs all the way to the falls. I see Spotted Towhee,

and many others which I can't ID.

The squirrels and chipmunks are also running around.

So when the butterflies aren't flying and there aren't many flowers to stop for, got to turn to moths!

And hanging inch worms :)

But the scenery is awesome!

Well the trail has 14 interpretative spots. At #9 I finally see my first butterfly - Two Tailed Swallowtail!!! That's gives me hope that on my way back (warmer, sun higher) I might find some more!

The last mile or so of the trail is mostly shady and follows the creek. Lots of horsetail in spots. In other spots, Solomon's Seal. Soon I get my first glimpse of the falls!

When I arrive, there are two people about to leave and then the Falls is all mine!! And I enjoy!

As I'm about to leave, two people are arriving. As I proceed down the trail, the procession of people is incredible! I'm so happy I got here when I did!

But despite having to step off the trail a LOT,  the walk back yields butterflies!!! Not far from the falls, I see 2 Duskywings! I'm not sure which species though.

I see a couple more a little further down the  trail. They seem to like the Dandelions this morning.

Continuing on, I get glimpse of a Field Crescent, another Two-tail Swallowtail and a Painted Lady.

The lizards are now out!

Still further down the trail, I catch up with a Field Crescent

and a Variable "Anicia" Checkerspot. (Saw many of these last year; only one today.)

(The butterflies did come out!!)

I complete the trail and quickly escape the madness heading back over the Hogsback for lunch at the Burr Trail Grill (awesome place) in Boulder. Then I head back to Torrey.

It's only 2 pm when I get back to Torrey, so I decide to drive through Capitol Reef making tourist stops

and then out to Notom Road which is on the east side of the Monument. I head south down the road to the Burro Wash - I just want a photo of the snowy LaSal Mountains.

Then I head back to Torrey to end my day.

Well not quite. After dinner, I decide to go back into the park for a peek into the Goosenecks

And a 2/3 mile walk to Sunset Point.

Can't miss the cool divots and pockets in the small rocks from years of erosion - beautiful!

Now that's the end of my wonderful day!