Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 26 - Antelope Island

Heading up to Antelope Island today - posting indicate that the Pronghorn are having their babies, the Sego Lilies are blooming, and the biting gnat population is decreasing. All good reasons to head up and take a peek.

Sunny day predicted with a high temperature of  80 degrees and then falling later in the afternoon as rain is coming Sunday/Monday.

But for now, as I arrive on the causeway, it's sunny and clear. There's a nice breeze out to keep the remaining biting gnats flying (hopefully). There's seem to be a bit more water in Farmington Bay this morning - it could be the mountain run-off or just the wind moving the water. (Hoping for runoff.) But still too much dry, barren lake bed.

Tons of gulls along the causeway and some Mergansers too.

As I arrive on the island, I head south towards the Ranch. Boy, the island is looking much browner/drier since the last time I was here.

I stop at the first view and notice 2 animals trotting to the south. They are Pronghorn!!

I check the large water puddle to the left and there are gulls.

A little farther along, I see 2 bison on the dry lake bed.

There are a bunch of black dots to the right of the bison which seems strange. On closer inspection, it's a flock of Canadian geese. And behind them, is a Sandhill Crane. I only noticed the crane when I was looking at the photos.

Moving on, there's a flock of gulls flying/landing around an area on the slopes near Beacon Hill. Interesting.

I'm well past Frary Peak before I see animals and it's not just one. It's the whole Moms w/ babies bison herd to the east along the shore. Some are on the lake bed and others are in the green grasses.

I exit my car and stand on the other side of the road looking at the bison. I can hear the bison biting and chewing the grasses - love that sound!!

I continue to the Ranch. When I arrive, the gate to the dirt road is open but there is a barricade. Not sure if the road is still closed or it's an informational sign for those attending the Cowboy Poet and Song festival at the Ranch this week-end. I'm hoping the road is open because there's another herd of bison down near the Sentry Peak trail head and it will save me the walk. :)

I head for the wooded area to check for owls. I didn't find any but that doesn't mean they are not hiding behind all of those green tree leaves!

As I head back to my car, I hear a Kildeer. It takes me a while but I do find it.

I checkout the dirt road but it is closed so time to head north and over to the west side of the island for a short walk up Bison Point. As I reach the west side, I see two bison but no other animals as I reach the Bison Point parking.

I look down on the White Rock campground and find one bison below me, some campers and hardly anyone at the White Rock trail -- the fear of biting gnats at work :)

The Bison Point parking is empty as well. Time to I start up the trail in search of those lilies.

Before I even start up the trail, there's a commotion in the grasses -- it's a lizard catching a grasshopper.

The lizard gets his breakfast!!

Starting up the trail, there are definitely some biting gnats around but it's no bad especially with the wind. I'm finding Redstem Stork's Bill still blooming, Phlox,

a yellow flower

and a white Daisy.

I also scare up 2 Chukkars and they quickly move up the trail before they disappear.

I continue up to the top seeing a lot of lizards including one whose lucky to be alive -- missing tail.

I reach the top and it's beautiful!!

South towards White Rock Bay and Frary Peak

Northeast towards the causeway

I turn to head to the north side when I scare up 2 more Chukkars.

Soon I reach the north side overlooking the Great Salt Lake - beautiful day!

But no Sego Lilies :(

After stopping to look at a Lark Sparrow

it's time to head down. On the way down, I stop at a gravel pull-out and look below. I see the bison below me and I notice something on the edge of the road to the White Rock campground. It's out of place. I take a look though my camera and oh my, it's a Pronghorn with her baby!

I'm not sure why I did what I did next but now I'm kicking myself in the butt. Instead of simply watching for where I was, I decide to drive down to the road. It isn't more than a minute until I reach the road. And when I get there, there are no Pronghorn. (Except a male not far from that bison.) Where did they go? Very weird! If I didn't have the photos, I would've thought I was dreaming but they did really disappear. Why did I move?!

Oh well, I did really see them and hey, I find my Sego lilies! :)

I head back up to that viewpoint to get a better look at the male -- not sure how I missed him earlier.

I head back down and start my way past the beach - stopping to look at the Primrose.

As I near the Visitor's Center, I start looking for the Burrowing Owls. All I see is a lone bison - who can miss him. As I roll past him, I see the Owl!! I have a chance for a decent shot but decide to pull past and stop. As soon as I stop, the Owl takes off - Ugh!

I decide to take a loop around the Visitor's Center - maybe he'll come back. Thankfully, looping around works!

Time to go home. Incredible day!!