I've been monitoring the status of the Great Horned Owls for a number of weeks now. At least check, no one knew whether babies had been born but the Owl pair has been sighted out at the same time.
I missed this past week-end as I was down at Capitol Reef and I know from my May 15 2016 sighting of baby owls, that if they were born, they'll be out very soon if not already.
So after work, I head up to Antelope Island to check.
I arrive on the causeway around 4:20. I cross as quickly as possible because I know that the Ranch closes at 5:00 and I have about 20 miles still to get there.
But I do notice mostly Gulls along the causeway except for a couple of Avocets
and Black Bellied Plover (this bird is new for me this year).
I reach the island and head towards the Ranch. Almost immediately, I see two bison. One is near the road and the other is behind him on the lake bed. And there's a Pronghorn out there with the bison.
And as I move a little further down the road, there's another nearer the fence line too!
After that, there are no animals to be seen until I'm a few miles from the Ranch near a trail parking lot on the west side of the road. There, on the lake bed, I see a small group of bison.
A bit further is a large herd near the mountains. I stop but can only see a couple of babies.
I continue onto the Ranch and arrive around 4:45pm. There are a couple of volunteers standing near the parking lot and I ask them if the babies owls have arrived. They said yes and the lady takes me to where she had seen one of them earlier in the day. And yea, the little fluffy guy is way up in a tree.
Pretty darn cute!
It's pretty amazing, his doesn't fly and he pretty far from the nest site! Must be a pretty good hopper!
The lady tells me that they were sighted for the first time last week-end. Two babies have been sighted but only one has been seen today.
She then takes me over to where one of the adults were - he/she is still there!
I then walk around the wooded area hoping to see other owls. No owls but I do find a Mourning Cloak!
I complete the loop and head out to walk around the outside of the birding area. I find a couple more Mourning Cloaks.
Looks like they've opened a grassy trail to a small water hole. (I've never seen it before.) I walk back despite getting yelled at by the Red-winged Blackbird protecting their nest. I see a Mallard pair. I also hear Kildeer but not seeing any yet.
I am seeing a few butterflies - Cabbage White, Clouded Sulphurs, Mylitta Crescents
Common Checkered Skipper
and a Juba Skipper.
I reach the east end of the water and start south.
Here I find the Kildeer! One is across the water.
And then I count 4 in a sandy area. Quite the Kildeer hotspot! I decide to leave them alone and head back.
Time to head back up the island.
That large herd of bison has now moved onto the lake bed. There are many babies and adults rolling in the dirt.
I then head over to the west side of the island finding two Pronghorn not far from the road
and one in the distance out behind the Visitor's Center.
Awesome day!!