Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sept 26 - Catherine's Pass (and above) - Little Cottonwood Canyon

Really want to get up to Catherine's Pass before the snow flies whenever that they be. (Last year, we already had a foot in the mountains.) And today looks like a great day to take off and get up there.

It's in the upper 40s when I leave my house (with a high around 73 today) so it'll be in the 30s when I start my hike.

The colors continue to change in Little Cottonwood Canyon but the best colors are still near the end of the road.

I drive up the gravel Summer Road and reach the Catherine Pass parking. It's 38 degrees but sunny. (The trail could get crowded today as the Cecret Lake trail closed on Monday - reconstructing the dam. Sure glad I got up there last Friday!)

The hike (~9400 ft in ~1.5 miles) will be a mix of sun and shade as the sun is still rising over the peaks when I start just after 8:30am.

The hike starts off great as I'm greeted by a patch of Purple Asters that are still blooming.

But that's the end of any blooming flowers that I see except just one other plant that has yellow flowers. Otherwise, it's just a sea of dead flower stalks/leaves and seed heads.

Very quiet trail so far this morning but it's still great to see Devil's Castle, Sugarloaf Peak and Bald Mt to my right side.

Checking for deer/moose on the slopes and meadows but no luck. :(

I finally reach the meadow and some sunshine! There are a few birds flitting around but still very quiet.

I pass thru the meadow and head up the 2 switchbacks

before reaching Catherine's Pass (10,200 ft). Awesome as always - especially with the yellow leaves in the distance.

I rest for a tiny bit - there are a few squirrels around - and then take off to head even higher to Sunset Pass (10,450 ft). I really love this part of the hike. I'm not sure why other than it's just beautiful and not many folks actually come up this way.

As I head up, the birds are definitely more active up here. I have to stop at the viewpoints looking down on Catherine's Lake. And I can see Lake Mary from here too! (Photos will be better on my way down - the sun is just in the wrong spot.)

I continue up to the Pass. From here I can see Mt Timpanagos

and over to Heber City which is visible through the bright, hazy sunshine.

I love sitting here but I want to continue south over to Devil's Castle (and views of the Albion Basin). I've actually finished the climbing for the day as the trail now is basically flat hugging the slopes.

I haven't gone far when I'm surprised by a grouse next to the trail but he quickly moves into the brush. I like!

A little farther, I get some incredible views of the Basin and down canyon!

After a short stint through the woods, I pop out with Devil's Castle (and the Supreme Lift) in view.

I walk over to the lift for some better views.

Well, it's time to head back to Sunset Pass to take a rest.

On my way back, I see yet another Grouse!! (Always great to see wildlife.)

And then I find a good rock at the Pass to take a break.

As I sit, I'm very surprised to see some deer/elk in the distance below. I see four. I can't tell if they are elk or deer but they do have a big white butt. They disappear in the woods. Ooh, there are more (probably 6-8) moving in the same direction as the prior 4. Some of the smaller ones are running. Very cool!

I wish I had my camera - actually I do have my camera but I forgot to put the battery in oops - I could zoom in much closer than with my phone. :( I think they are elk - they just look bigger than a deer. But only my opinion.)

I sit and watch and after 5-10 minutes, I see the 4 again! Too funny, they are actually moving towards the Supreme Lift where I just came from!

I watch them until they disappear. I don't know where the other went as I never saw them again.

I also see a single Sulphur butterfly zipping around my area. Hearty critter!

Well, time to head down. Since the sun is higher, so I take a stop at that viewpoint again with Catherine's Lake and then Lake Mary in the distance.

Then it's down to Catherine's Pass (lots of chipmunks running around now), then back to the trail head

(I see a Field Crescent not far from the trail head)

and then home.

Awesome day! Two weeks ago, I didn't think I'd make it up here because of my foot. But yea!!  :)