Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sept 16 - Chasing Western Pygmy Blues (White Rock Trail - Antelope Island)

Sunny morning with the highs in upper 50s this morning. The smoky smell from yesterday is gone (for now) but the air is still pretty smoking - I can't even see Antelope Island as I'm driving north. It may be cool this morning but the temps are heading back up near 90s again today -- when will the cooler weather get here and stay?!

Heading to the island today to look for Western Pygmy Blues. Hey, I've missed the peak of butterfly season, time to catch something at the end!

 These guys are the smallest butterfly in North America (wingspan 1/2 - 3/4 inch)  I know they fly along the lower trail (Bone Road Trail) along White Rock Bay as I've seen them plenty of times before. And this should be the perfect trail for me - basically flat. The trail is 2.7 miles one-way -- a bit too far for me right now but I'll go part way stopping at a bunch of sagebrush I know that exists at about the 1/2 way point.

Besides to Pygmy Blue, I'm excited to see what else is out as it's been quite awhile since I've been on the trail!

I arrive on the causeway and am a bit confused by the muddy appearance on both sides. There hasn't been water here is a very long time - wonder if the strong winds we had yesterday pushed some of the existing water up/down towards the causeway; that has to be the reason as we haven't had rain in a lot time.

The number of birds on the water appears to be increasing. I'm seeing gulls, Avocets,

Black Necked Stilts

and many more Shoveler ducks.

I reach the island. I could start my hike but it's still too cool and I have to see what the animals are up to today. :)

I head south towards the Ranch. The old bull bison that have been hanging out here overlooking Farmington Bay are not here this morning. At least yet, perhaps they are over the hill on the west side still.

Continuing on, I find my first bison (a lone one) not far from the water bin. He's right on the side of the road feeding. I stop to listen to him chew.

I continue on finally finding a large group of bison on the lake bed across from Frary Peak.

As I near a pull-off, I see a truck pulled off -- must be something ahead!! As I near, I see a coyote -- not hard to see as he is right on the edge of the road. I'm thinking he was about ready to cross as I rode up. He checks me out.

And the truck in back (I don't think those folks can see him but he knows the vehicle is there) before deciding to head back into the grasses where he disappears. Awesome!

I pass the truck; he's got a spotting scope pointed high up in the mountains. I'm not sure at what but I'm guessing he's looking for deer.

Further down, I find another large herd of bison. Majority of the herd is on the west side of the road in the grasses. Except there are a couple of stragglers on the east side.

Soon I arrive at the Ranch and continue past - I see another large herd west of the Sentry Peak trail so I'll go and check them out. Also looking for Pronghorn herds.

The bison herd stretches south of the trail head. And I'm happy I didn't plan on hiking to Mushroom Springs as part of the herd is standing on the trail.

I continue on towards the end of the road. I do find a single Pronghorn along the way!!

Driving back to the Ranch, I find a Northern Shrike

and a perched Hawk.

I stop at the Ranch to check on the Great Horned Owls. Tons of bird activity in the woods this morning!! I find the one owl in the same spot!

Still can't locate the other. It'll be easier as the leaves start falling.

On the way north, I see a couple of odd spots on the grey lake bed - it's 4 Pronghorn (one laying and 3 standing)!

And that large group of bison that was in the grasses on the west side of the road; well, about half the group just finished crossing the road and continuing their march towards the lake bed.

Further down the road, that lone bison that was eating next to the road; well, he's still there only now he's laying down soaking in the rays.

As I near the Visitor's Center, those old bull bison are back in their normal spots overlooking the Bay! They must have been over the hill because there are 3 more coming down now.

I turn to head over to the west side -- I had a great morning but it's time to start my walk to find those Blues!

Only a couple of cars parked at the trail head when I start down the Bone Road Trail. Lots of brown grasses, some lower yellow flowers left but mostly Sunflowers.

Lots of activity around those Sunflowers - mostly what I'll call Bee Flies. Some are small and others are pretty large.

Also, plenty of small lizards running around this morning.

But it's quiet just a light breeze to listen too.

Along the way, I see a few Common Checkered Skippers

And Juba Skippers.


But if that weren't enough - I even see a Yuma Skipper! It's only be second one I've seen. The other being near Mushroom Springs here on the island a few years back. (Common Reed is it's host plant.)

I finally reach the White Rock meadow!

Just a short distance more to reach my sagebrush patch (my turnaround point). And it's lined with Sunflowers. I'm checking all of them for my tiny flyer.

Not seeing them on the Sunflowers but I do finally see one. He's flying around these other plants that don't have flowers any more. I wait for the one to land but he keeps flying and flying checking out all of these plants. Must be a male and these must be a host plant -- patrolling for females.

I finally see another as the two meet up, swirl around each other before one heads left and the other right. Hmmm, which one to follow. I go left; maybe this one will actually land. Of course, it was more of the same. Time to move on as there are more sunflowers ahead.

I reach those sunflowers and find more of those "potential" host plants. Sure enough there are W. Pygmy Blues too! Plenty of them! All flying around these plants. I reach down to check the plants out - and ouch! They're prickly - no wonder they don't want to land! :)

Well, I've waited long enough for a landing. It's time to head back - perhaps I'll get lucky on my return.

On the way back, more bee flies, more Common Checkered Skipper and Juba Skippers. And guess what? I get lucky and catch one Blue land!!

Awesome! Mission accomplished!

It's time to head back to my car with Bison Point ahead of me.

I get back to the trail head and find more of those plants (and one with flowers).

And find out, I didn't have to walk at all; there are Pygmy Blues flying around here too feet from my car!

Time to head home but first I loop around to see if the Burrowing Owls are still around. The answer: Yes!!

Incredible day!