At only 3/4 miles one-way, it's not a long hike but it's what I'm looking for in a hike and I really want to get there before the snow starts falling. (The 420 feet of elevation gain will be the most I've gone in months - it'll be a good test.)
Heading up Little Cottonwood Canyon is a drive thru changing tree colors - even at the bottom. Passing the White/Red Pine Lakes Trail head, it's a sea of varying shades of yellow. Too bad the canyon is still in the shade. Upon reaching Alta, the yellow/oranges are bright and deep - can't wait til the sun gets higher!
I start up the gravel Summer Road and hey, the road's in the best shape I've ever seen it at this time of year. Guess, charging $$ to drive up the road for the 1st time ever and monitoring the number of cars heading up based on the number of open parking spots helped the road condition. :)
Looking for wildlife but not seeing anything moving around.
I get to the Catherine's Pass parking (I still need to up there this season.) and since there are only a few cars, I stop to get a view down canyon.
I continue down the road to the Cecret Lake parking - Awesome - only 1 other car here!
It's a bit chilly when I start my hike -- only 39 degrees.
I start up the trail thru the woods. Lots of birds chirping and flitting around. And also lots of chipmunk/squirrel noises as well.
The flowers are all dry leaves and seed heads at this point but I'm lucky enough to find a Paintbrush
and a few Purple Asters.
I finally get my first views of Devil's Castle.
Nearby is a large hawk (or eagle) perched atop a pine tree scouting out the landscape. As I stand under his tree, I think he's checking me out.
Out of the woods, I reach the start of the rocky portion of the trail now in the full sun of the morning - yes, warmth! At the top of 3 switchbacks sits Cecret Lake.
On the 2nd switchback I get quite a surprise - a very fresh looking Field Crescent!!!
Continuing on, I finally reach the lake (~9550 ft) - it's pretty low but still pretty awesome!
I slowly work my way around to the other side.
My foot is feeling really good and I'd like to get above the lake so here goes nothing. There are two trails that heads up. One is the ski cat road and the other is a trail that heads up the rocks on the west side of the lake. I'm taking the trail up the rocks - it's harder but so much prettier.
Soon I reach the top of the rocks
and then move west towards the Sugarloaf Lift.
I'm not going any higher - I'm at 10,150 ft - just heading over to my favorite perch to take a rest. Can't beat this! (To my left)
(Straight ahead)
(a Mylitta Crescent)
Well, I see Bald Mountain and it's so tempting. It's just 400 ft higher to get pass Bald Mt and a little farther to the left to get to Germania Pass but not in my cards today. But I do head up the road just a bit for a better look of a landscape I'm still hoping to get to before the snow flies.
I continue down the road - there's a few deer tracks on the dirt road - and soon reach the lake again and head back the way I came. I see a couple more Field Crescents and a very small Hoary Comma. (I know it's been a while since I've seen any Comma but this one looked so small.)
Then I continue down down the canyon. On the way, I finally see my wildlife as a female deer pops out of the trees. It's trotting down the opposite side of the road a bit a head of my car. I'd like to speed pass but I don't trust her. And it's a good thing as she does cross in front of the my car and then heads up the slopes.
Awesome day! Great colors, great views, butterflies (and a still happy foot)!!