Super sunny this morning and a bit warm when the wind isn't blowing.
Find this White-veined Arctic hanging around the kitchen area this morning.
I want to hike but not really interested in a long one today (but I really should see everything possible as I came all this way). I decide to just wander closer to camp today. And I have company, two others are also hanging back as well.
The first outing of the day is back north over the hill, across the flat to the other ridge to look down in the valley for caribou (and hopefully a bear). I'm with one other person.
On the way to there, we see Alpines, Frits (I believe to be Polaris Frit)
and the local Plover who by now is probably wishing the humans would just go away.
Looking down from the ridge into the valley, there are many caribou in various herds. Unfortunately, they are all in the distance to the east, west and along river. Still an excellent stop to sit and watch.
As we sit, I see several Old World Swallowtail fly up from the rocks below, over the ridge and past us.
After a bit, we move east trying to get closer to the caribou below locating what I think is a Disa Alpine. (Confirmed by BOAMA as Erebia disa) (Northern species only, grasses/sedges are the thought to be host plants. Lifer!)
Then we cross back south over the flats to a downhill view where we're camped. (View looking east toward the smaller orange hill.)
There's also a herd of caribou in view to the east.
On the way down hill, I see my first Sulphur of the trip - very exciting! Unfortunately, it's just a fly-by sighting. (I also see an Arctic White.)
Down off the hill, we starting heading towards camp and to our surprise, two caribou run right past us -- we honestly didn't see them coming. I'm not sure what they were doing but it appeared to be a scouting mission because after they passed, they circle around in the back of us and back up the valley. Very strange but incredibly cool!
After lunch, I another take a butterfly walk around camp in which I find more Silvery Blue (this one basking in the sun,
and 2 more flying Sulphurs. (They just don't want to have their pictures taken today.) I also find another Frit that looks totally different (paler) than anything I've seen so far - very exciting! I'm confused by these one. Could be Polaris or Mountain - work in progress. (Confirmed by BOAMA as Boloria Polaris)
After a bit of a rest, I decide to take a walk down the river in back of camp. I investigated a bit on the first day but it's time to do it again.
View west behind camp.
View east.
View south.
The branching of the river puts me back on land where I can see two caribou ahead of me. I should really stick to the river to get close but decide to approach directly as I have a bit of cover from the brush, the noise of the river and a strong wind are in my favor. At least I think, but it isn't long before I'm noticed. I sit on the ground hoping he'll settle and but both of them take off across the river, up the slope and away.
So I loop around to the other side of the valley. Nothing much flying due to the wind. But I find Shooting Star for the first time.
And surprise, I kick up a Blue!!! His flying is erratic because of the wind (very hard to track him) but he does land protecting himself between blades of vegetation. It's a Western Tailed Blue - I can see his tail!! The first of the trip! (The WTB is also found in the lower 48.)
Strong cool wind has us using the kitchen tent for a wind block. That lone caribou comes for a visit. He's on the other side of our valley (near the hill) but he is definitely curious of us.
That's a wrap for my last full day.
Silvery Blue
Western Tailed Blue
Old World Swallowtail
Disa Alpine
Arctic White
Polaris Frit
Unknown Sulphur