Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1 - Snake Creek Pass (Going High!)

Sunny morning with temps heading to around 90 degrees.

I want to go high this morning; I need to go high this morning. So I'm heading up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Brighton to hike up to Snake Creek Pass and somewhat above the Pass.

It's a wonderful peaceful hike that is not very popular but unfortunately it shares about a 1/2 mile of trail at the beginning with the extremely busy Lake Mary/Catherine Pass trail. I should miss the people traffic on the way up the ski slope but I'm sure there will be herds when I'm coming back.

Snake Creek Pass is 2 miles with 1310 ft in elevation (10,040 ft).

Temperatures are in the low 60s when I leave my house so it should be in the 50s at Brighton - perfect weather. Lots of cars heading up the canyon for a Sunday but most are stopping at the already crowded parking areas for the mid-level trails. (yea!)

I arrive to cool temps and sunny skies and immediately start up the ski slope passing many Ground Squirrels - these appear to be babies.

Lots of green on the slopes with some flowers - the peak flower season is still a few weeks away. Still there are Bluebells, White Columbine, Cinquefoil, Tall Jacob's Ladder, Lupine and Geraniums already blooming. And a few Paintbrush and Green Gentian. Oh, the Horse Mint is filling in too. Looks good close-up but just green from a distance.

Mountains looking great this morning.

Not many people heading up the trail this morning; a few coming down from camping or a very early hike.

It's not long before I'm up the slope and at the intersection for Dog Lake/Clayton Peak or Lake Mary. I head towards Dog Lake/Clayton Peak. I will be passing by Dog Lake (at a distance) almost immediately but Clayton Peak is still a goal of mine. I'll see the Clayton Peak from the Pass but I'm not heading there today.

Seeing pretty much the same flowers as I pass through the Dog Lake area. I'm curious is see if there's a Moose near the lake (I've seen them before) so I take a quick, short detour to the lake.

No moose today. :( But I find Elephant Head!!

Time to resume my hike as it heads into the forest. Most of the rest of the trail is through the forest with some brief spots back in the sun.

The forest is in the shade/dappled sun light.

Many birds singing this morning, woodpeckers "pecking" and I get yelled at by a couple of squirrels as I pass. But no deer or moose to be seen.

Finding many flowers including Heart-leafed Arnica, Spring Beauty (quite the surprise), and some and Purple Composites.

At one of the openings, there's a lot of calls and movement in the dead conifer ahead. Based on the calls, it's probably woodpeckers - they're Flickers!!

Continuing on I start seeing Fritillaries as I get closer to exiting the final section of forest.

Out of the forest, it's a walk up the uphill Ski Trek road to the Pass.

As I arrive, I'm greeted by more Frits (some are Callippe)

and what I think is a Western White.

I head over to the western view down onto the town of Heber (11 miles saw) and the wonderful Mt Timp to the right. Looking quite nice this morning.

And smelling quite nice -- very minty!

Last year, this area was an awesome flower spot. Right now, the flowers are still coming, but there are some bright red Paintbrush and Penstemon.

I wander over the the Pass (10,040ft)  and then continue up hill to the Ski Patrol hut and the lift. From here I can see the Lake Mary dam and the Twin Lake dam to the right.

Once there, I head higher to the next viewpoint. Yea, I finally see something other than a Frit -- a Boisduvals Blue. And a pretty moth.

Continuing higher, I finally see a bunch of butterfly activity!!! Blues, Frits and a Persius Duskywing (a couple of them).

I continue along farther than I've ever been until I'm about to start downhill. Not too shabby. (My GPS says I'm at 10,250 ft.)

I work my way back to my lunch  spot and enjoy food with a view including of Clayton Peak. And there are people on top!

With my craving for "high" satisfied, I start my way down.

I don't get too far when I see a little green flyer - Western Green Hairstreak.

Before I know it, I 'm back at Dog Lake. (I've only seen 3 people on the trail - 2 heading down from Clayton Peak and one guy heading up.) The rest of the way down I will have plenty of company.

Awesome day!