Heading back up to Antelope Island to hike the Sentry Trail for this first time since Spring!!
Sunny day with temperatures heading into the mid-50s.
When I arrive on the causeway, it's sunny and 42 degrees. As I cross, I'm looking for the coyote or coyotes I've seen along the north side over the last 3 weeks. Three weeks ago, I saw a single coyote trotting east toward the "main" land. Last week, I saw another on the north side laying and grooming and he had a broken tooth. Not sure if the 2 sightings are of the same coyote (now with an injury) or perhaps a female/male pair or just individuals. But I have my open looking for either.
Going across, I can't notice the flat water with great reflections!
I'm about ready to cross the bridge and less than a mile for the island. I've basically given up hope I'll see the coyote but when on the other side bridge, there he is trotting towards the island!
Unfortunately, I can only see the left side of the face (the broken tooth is on the right side). I pull ahead of him hoping to get a glance. I stop but unfortunately, this coyote is skittish and turns and heads back east. The good thing is I get a glimpse his right face and he is not the coyote with the broken tooth (yea!) Maybe there is a pair with a home range along the causeway!
I'm on the island now and heading south to the Ranch. I see 2 bison on the ridge behind the Visitor's Center and a couple more just a bit farther down the road.
Today is bison physical day so the vast majority of the bison are still in the corrals. I've seen the physicals a couple of times now. Fun time and a great chance to see how powerful this guys really are - they don't like the physicals - lots of banging and bulging eyes!
I'm not visiting today, just heading south to the Sentry trail looking for critters along the way.
I near Frary Peak passing the mountain side near the White Rock ridge. Last week, I saw a small herd of Pronghorn on the slopes. And, yea, they are still here today!
There's also a single bison a bit south of the Pronghorn.
South of Frary Peak, I roll up on a lone female deer near the road. Her ears are up. I watch her cross the road behind my car and disappear into the grasses.
I bit farther down the road, I see a big buck in the trees.
Still farther along, I see small dark and not moving on the dry lake bed. It's just out of place and worth checking out. And good thing I did; it's a coyote laying down!!
The remaining drive to the Ranch, I see just a couple additional bison.
I make a pit stop at the Ranch to check out the Great Horned Owls. I haven't seen one in several weeks. Maybe today my luck will change. Several people are heading out of the woods with large cameras and more heading in. I take the trail south and quickly find one of the owls high in a tree. Looks great with the yellow leaves!
I try to get a good angle for a view of its face but just too many leaves/branches in the way. I look for the mate with no luck. But I finally see an owl again!
On the way out, I stop to talk to the DNR guy. He says when he arrived earlier, there was a female deer with a large buck. They moved south. I look for them in the grasses on my way to the Sentry Peak trail head but do not see them.
Time to start up the Sentry Trail. I'm excited as it's been months since I've walked this trail. There will be no bison but there's always a chance for deer or Pronghorn. And I look for them as I walk up and past Mushroom Springs. Only seeing a few dragonflies
and grasshoppers and lots of green Tiger Beetles.
I start up the first uphill section to the first switchback and start across. So quiet this morning.
At the end of the switchback, it's time to start the final climb to the ridge - Sentry Peak is to my left.
I'm probably about half way up when I look above and find a small herd of Pronghorn!
At first they don't see me, but is doesn't take long before all eyes are upon me.
(Seeing animals from the car is great but seeing them when you're off on a trail, it's so awesome!)
They run off south towards Sentry Peak as I continue to climb to the ridge. I'm hoping to see them again when I get on top.
I stop just before the ridge to take a look back down towards the Ranch and a very dry Farmington Bay. Yes, that is a bay!
And when I get to the ridge, the Pronghorn are gone. :(
And I see I'm not the only one up here; there are 3 horses moving south along the ridge.
I start down the ridge still looking for those Pronghorn.
I get across without seeing them. Not sure where they went.
Time to start down hill. Soon I reach the long switchback and then start down the last section. I'm looking at the flats below me and see a bunch of dots again that look out of place in the landscape. I stop and zoom in --- it's a herd of Pronghorn!!
I count 16 of them! (Perhaps these are the guy from the top and then maybe not.) So cool!
I continue down and soon reach my car.
Great hike! But it's time to head back north towards the Visitor's Center.
I reach the White Rock ridge, the one bison is there and so are the Pronghorn. But I'm also excited to see yet another coyote (#3) walking south not far off the road!
And near the 1st viewpoint is another small herd of Pronghorn!
I make another stop at the viewpoint - tons of birds in the water below (lots of tiny black spots in the water and flying)!
Back near the Visitor's Center, the bison have moved east and are easier to see (and there are more of them). Also, I see coyote #4!! He's moving south along the ridge behind the Visitor's Center.
Great way to end my day on the island!!!