Sunny day in the 70s is the forecast for today so I'm heading up to Antelope Island to hike the White Rock Trail.
It might be a strange day on the island as yesterday was the yearly bison round-up. Probably 99% of the bison are in the corrals waiting for physicals next Saturday so it'll be different not to see the big herds. But there will be bison still around - those smart enough to evade the round-up which are usually the older bulls who tend to stay away from the main herds.
I arrive on causeway and start across. The water is slow flat this morning - incredible reflections in the water!
I notice a car pulled off the road and as I roll up, I see what they are watching - it's a coyote!!
I saw one on the north side of the causeway last time I was here; perhaps this is the same one staking out new territory.
At first, I think he has something in his mouth but on closer look, it appears he has a broken right canine (ouch!) (If this is the same one, I don't remember a broken tooth last week.)
He then lays down and begins to groom himself.
Not sure he will survive that tooth especially if it gets infected but right now, he looks in good shape other than the snaggle tooth.
Across on the south side of the road in the water are a bunch of Avocets!
Time to continue to the island and turn right towards the Ranch. As I pass behind the Visitor's Center, I see 3 bison to the right.
A little farther down the road near the 1st viewpoint, I see another 3 bison.
Down the hill from the viewpoint, I see a small black spot moving along the shoreline - it's coyote #2!!
As I approach the White Rock Trail's ridge line, I see spots of white on the mountain side -- a small herd of Pronghorn!!! Fantastic!
Moving on, and just past Frary Peak, I see 3 doe moving along the grasses on the shore line.
And then on the opposite side near the water basin, I see 2 more Pronghorn moving towards the water basin. They disappear behind the trees.
I arrive at the Ranch and simply turn around and head back north.
On the way back, I see those 3 doe again.
The Pronghorn are still on the mountain side and I see Coyote #3 moving along the road heading south just down from the first viewpoint. (Definitely a great day for coyote sightings!)
Time to head over to the west side of the island to begin my hike. On the way to the trail head, there are a few more bison that escaped the round-up over here. There's around 10 under Bison Point and a few that are just outside the Bison Corrals.
Time to hit the trail.
Most of the flowers are gone but there are a few sunflowers and Mullein hanging on.
But it's such a beautiful day out!
After climbing the first switchback, I head east
passing all those bison in the corrals.
Farther down the trail, I see a lone bison about 75 ft off the trail. He notices me as I pass but is no problem.
A little farther, there are 7 bison off to the left that are far enough away to not pose any issue.
And there's one last bison in the distance before reaching the 3 mile mark and the view down into White Rock meadow. (No bison down there this week.)
I head down to the ridge scanning ahead of me and below me. And holy cow! There's a coyote moving in south (like me) down the slope below me!!! (Coyote #4!) Awesome!
(This guy could be Coyote #3 because it's not far from where I saw him.)
Soon I'm heading back north along the interior trail. A lot more insect activity along this stretch of the trail. I'm seeing grasshoppers, beetles,
Tiger beetles
a couple of Sulphurs
and a couple of Common Checkered Skippers.
(Just no mammals but one small lizard)
I eventually reach my car and loop behind the Visitor's Center where I see a herd of Pronghorn on the south side.
I drive around to west side where I see a few more Pronghorn in the distance. But as I continue, there's one pretty near the road.
I slow because there are 2 people on bikes coming the opposite direction with big smiles on their faces and a few feet farther I see why. There are 3 Pronghorn on the edge of the road waiting to cross. I stop to give them that opportunity and they take it and I smile as they cross right in front of my car.
It never gets old!!!
I complete the loop and head out across the causeway completing a great day!!