Cool morning with temps 59 degrees at 6:30am and the sun is out. Minus the smoking air, it's a perfect day.
Heading up to Antelope Island this morning to check out the happenings on the island especially since the temperatures were a bit cooler this week. And we had some rain!
Very smoky this morning could not even see the island's mountains as I start crossing the causeway. It appears that the numbers of birds are increasing. Still lots of gulls and Avocets. This the one new species (Black Neck Stilt) I see this week.
(And the Shovelers are back!)
I reach the island and turn right to head to the Ranch.
The male bison that have been hanging out on the east side of the island near the Ranch are still there but their numbers are lower than in past visits.
Continuing on, I catch a glimpse of a Western Meadowlark sits at the fence line.
I pass the first pull-off and start heading down hill but first have to stop for a lone bison crossing the road.
After he crosses, I notice a bunch of bison on the downside of the hill. It's part of the Mom & younger bison herd. And it's definitely the largest of the herds I see today. (photo from my return trip)
They have moved to the north side of the island.
A group of doe crossing the road. They disappear behind the sagebrush. I wait hoping they will move of the hill so I can see them but they stay out of sight at the bottom of the hill.
I move forward just a bit a see a lone doe on the other side of the road. It seems this one failed to cross the road as I approached. She's looking for her friends across the road.
(I can see them now!!)
Continuing on past Frary Peak - another group of Mom and younger bison.
A small flock of female pheasant - the surprise of the day.
Further down, I stop for some bison crossing the road.
There's yet another portion of the Mom and young bison on the other side. Most of the calves are Spring calves but there are a few "little reds" in there.
Soon I reach the Ranch. I park and head over to the Birding Area hoping to see the Great Horned Owls. (They were MIA last week.) I talk to the DNR guys. They said that they were unsuccessful finding them after the pair flew from the sheep barn. I've got to give it a try.
As I enter, I see a guy leaving. He says he has seen both owls and points me in the general direction of one of them. This one is out in the open and easy to see. She's half sleeping and half keeping an eye on me.
I search the rest of the woods but could not find the other owl. But I see one of them!!
And I hear coyotes howling/yipping as I move thru the woods. Always love that sound!
I leave the Ranch and drive down the dirt road towards the Sentry Peak trail. Along the way, I see one lone male Pronghorn trotting north thru the grasses.
I drive the entire road, see only one other Pronghorn moving another the lake bed. Time to head north.
Oops, I see another herd of bison under Sentry Peak -- there's at least 4 Mom herds!
On the way north, I pass the area where I saw a long Pronghorn the last 2 weeks. No Pronghorn today although the one I saw a bit further south could be my guy.
Continuing to head north, I pass the many bison -- I think breeding season may be here. ;)
Besides the bison, I see a lone buck - he's reaching up to eat tree leaves!!
And I spot a lone Pronghorn laying down under a tree. Nope, there are at least 2 others with here on the other side of the tree.
As I near the Visitor's Center, there are more bison out. Not sure where they came from but definitely a larger group of males now. And there's a lone Pronghorn near the side of the road!
I head west towards White Rock. There are a few bison behind the Visitor's Center.
I don't find any animals on my way to White Rock. But on my way to the beach, I do find that large group of Pronghorn I saw last week at the Visitor's Center. They are heading into the sagebrush at the bottom northeast corner of Bison Point!!
I circle past the beach and then search for the Burrowing Owls behind the Visitor's Center. No luck!
Time to head home - No Big 4 today but I did hear the coyote and did see the Great Horned Owl and some Pheasant.
Good day!