Sunday, August 12, 2018

Aug 12 - An Antelope Island Safari

Another hot and dry day with temps in the mid-90s. (I don't know we have a weather man -- the weather here hasn't changed all summer - 90s and no rain -- ready for a change soon.)

Heading up to Antelope Island to see what's moving around in the heat. (This is probably my first trip here in Aug ever so it could be interesting.)

It's still a bit cloudy as I arrive on the island and there's still an orange-sh hue to the sky as the sun is just above the mountains at around 8am.

The drive along the causeway is as I expected - no water, dry and brown.

I'm more than 1/2 down the causeway before I finally reach/see some water on the Farmington Bay (south) side. It's just a short stretch before it's dry again but the water comes back.

Takes longer to reach water on the Salt Lake side though.

But where there is water, there are plenty of birds enjoying the feast of the small flying insects both in the air and water.

Tons of swallows zipping along the road.

In the water, there are plenty of gulls (looks like several species), Avocets

and other shore birds

The water is flat and thus plenty of reflections - hazy ones due to the smoke from the wildfires in the west in the valley.

But it is a plenty and cool 72 degrees. Feels so good!

I reach the island and turn left to head directly to the Ranch. I don't have to travel far before a small herd of bison. One is just crossing the loop road and the rest are on both side of the road heading to the Ranch. Lovely morning view!

Oh, and one has a scratch to lick! :)

Well that's a great start!

Continuing on, it isn't until I near the White Rock ridge before I see another lone bison napping in the morning sun.

I'm nearing the rock outcropping before the Frary Peak turn-off when I see a couple of trucks pulled off the side of the road. As I near, I search for what the 2 men standing outside their trucks are looking at in the rocks. I can't find anything so I follow where there cameras are pointed. And then I see it -- it's a Golden Eagle!

No here comes another!!

They must have a nest in the rocks!

I can hear what I assume to be the chicks squawking from the road! I can't see the chicks though. Awesome! I feel so privileged to witness that! (It's only the 2nd time I've seen Golden Eagle on the island.)

When the one bird flies off, it's quiet again and time to me to move on. (I'll check on them when I return.)

I'm past the Frary Homestead when I see an animal moving along the top of a hill. It's a coyote!!

Continuing on, I find a few bison in the area where the whole herd hung out last summer.

As I near the Ranch, I find the Mother and younger bison herd. There are hundreds of them stretches out starting just north of the Ranch for 1.5 - 2 miles to the end of the dirt road. I thought of stopping at the Ranch but I'm sure I can't get to the Bird Area (to catch for Owls) because there are bison in there.

I continue down the dirt road towards the Sentry Peak trail head. All the bison are on the left side of the road - Moms including their Spring calves and other immature bison.

Except there is just one bison on the right side all alone. She's within 50-75 yards of the rest but I still think it's out she's alone. Hmmm!

I continue along the dirt road past the trail head following the bison to the end of the road. Tons of crows/ravens sitting on the ground with their mouths open along the way.

I'm searching for Pronghorn but do not find any.

At the end of the road, I turn around and head back north. I decide to stop at the trail head parking hoping to find something, anything. And I do, I find 3 Shrikes!!

Continuing back north, I near that lone bison. I stop to watch her and then I notice something out of place in the grasses behind her to the right.

It may be a baby bison - it is a baby bison!!

She's most likely alone because she gave birth sometime last night or early this morning. So cool!!!

A Golden Eagle pair and a recently born bison what an awesome day so far!

Continuing north past the Ranch, I'm just thinking that I'd like to find a Pronghorn and no kidding, as soon as I think that, there's a lone Pronghorn to my left!!

Maybe that will work again as I'd like to complete the day with a Mule Deer sighting. :)

On my way north, I see 2 Pronghorns laying on the lake bed.

As I approach the Golden Eagle sight again, I'm finding no birds. Perhaps they both went hunting.

I continue north until I reach the loop to the west side. As I head west, I see yet another lone Pronghorn moving through the grasses.

I check out White Rock Campground, no animals.

I head up to Bison Point. Nice view but no animals.

I circle along the beach and check for Burrowing Owls behind the Visitor's Center - just a few bison behind Center.

Then I pass the Visitor Center, I see it. The final animal in the Antelope Island Big 4 - a male Mule Deer!!

What an incredible day!!