Friday, April 6, 2018

April 5 - Frary Peak (Antelope Island)

It's a mostly cloudy day with highs in the 60s. Not a perfect day but still good enough (especially since there's rain in the week-end forecast).

Heading up to Antelope Island after work for a quick hike.

I head up around 2:30 and run into some showers along the way. :( Thankfully, to the west is much clearer and that's the direction I'm eventually heading.)

Crossing the causeway looks a little brown  - lots of lake bed. But the vegetation is starting to green up a bit and the sagebrush is leafing out.

The number of birds in the water is growing; looks like mostly Coots.

And the midges are not out yet which means the biting gnats will not be out yet either. (Hoping with the strange weather patterns, they will be later this season - after the butterflies are start flying.)

When I arrive on the island, I head down to the Ranch as my plan is to hike the Sentry Trail.

It doesn't take long before I see my 1st bison (and many more in the distance).

The bison are definitely scattered in several small grouping north of Frary Peak. With a herd walking along the lake bed

and another near the Frary Peak turn-off.

(There's even one bison laying on the slopes near the Frary Peak turn-off.)

Just a tad south of the "second lake bed" bison herd (and withing eye sight) are two mule deer.

I also catch sight of 2 deer moving through the grasses north of Frary Peak as well.

Continuing on, I spot 3 Pronghorn moving south. They are very hard to see. But they are heading towards 2 bison lying in the grasses. (Perhaps I'll get a better look on my way back.)

Hearing/seeing several Western Meadowlarks as I continue south.

The bison continue scattered all the way to the Ranch. When I reach the Ranch, I realize my Sentry Trail hike is not happening because of a large herd on bison along the trail. Hmmmmm.... guess I hike a portion of the Frary Peak trail. Time to head back north.

I find those Pronghorn again. They have spotted for the moment and they are a little more visible.

Many people up at the Frary Peak Trailhead. Most are heading down (it's 3:45) as I'm heading up the big hill. (Still just a bit of snow on a north facing slope.)

Seeing lots of Spring Parsley

and a few Redstem Stork's Bill.

I complete the climb and continue along the trail. My plan is just to hike to the 2 mile marker (the trail is 3.2 miles one-way).

Passing thru the sagebrush I see several small Paintbrush plants. One even has a bloom!!

And a few Milkvetch.

And a beetle!

Soon I'm over to the west side of the island and looking at the Great Salt Lake and Elephant Rock.

I'm hearing Chukkars -- but no sighting.

Up thru the rock tunnel --

leading to some amazing views to the west as more rain clouds are rolling in!

And north towards White Rock and Bison Point.

More climbing to the first viewpoint back looking east.

Continuing on, I spot one of my favorite Spring flowers - Yellow Bell in one small area.

Soon it's yet another eastward viewpoint.

Continuing on, I'm looking for Bighorn Sheep as I continue south -- no luck -- but nice views to the west.

Soon reach the 2 mile mark and the next eastward viewpoint -- I reached that snow pile!

Time to head down. I find some small lupine plants.

And then just enjoy the views along the way.

Back at my car, I decide to head back towards the Ranch to try to find those Pronghorn -- perhaps I 'll see a coyote.

I don't find the Pronghron but I do find a small herd of deer!

At the Frary Homestead I turn around and head back north.

Around the White Rock ridge, I see a bison start running west toward the road. I stop (and the guy ahead of me who just passed the bison turns around and parks to watch). The bison continues to the road.

I hear a car coming up from behind and wave for him to slow down because the bison is crossing and is now in the road. Well, people continue to amaze me (and not in a good way). Instead of slowing down and stopping, the car drives right at the bison who's in the middle of the road. When the car is almost at the bison, the bison scares and runs off into the grasses. The car swerves around the bison missing by a few feet. Unbelievable! I'm dumbfounded - normal people would stop especially at a State Park where people come to view animals. These idiots came to run animals off the road! Grrr! I don't think the bison is too happy either.

Well that ends my day --- great day!