Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 26 - Cedar Fort Butterflying

Leaving work early today to head down to Cedar Fort UT (about 50 miles south of Salt Lake) to search for SW Orangetips, Dark Veined Spring Whites and Desert Elfins.

I've seen Orangetips and Spring Whites in the Wasatch mountains but the Cedar Fort area is in a different mountain range/different landscape and therefore the subspecies that fly there are a different from what I usually see which is why I'd like to see them. (Also, in the Wasatch, we get Large Marbles. In Cedar Fort, there's Desert Marble - which I'm hoping to see this year too.)

Sunny day and about 72 degrees when I arrive just after noon. The area I'm exploring is around the Rodeo stadium. It's full of Juniper trees. (Wish I had taken a picture.)

I have been here a couple of years ago but really had no idea where to go but I do have a direction this year - just roaming through the landscape looking for flyers and nectaring. (Last time I was here, there were lots of puddles from the snow melt/rain. Today, dry, dry, dry.)

As I leave the street for a dirt road, I see several white butterflies but they are flying.

When I park near the stadium, I see a couple of Whites and a Clouded Sulpher but nothing stopping.

Time to roam. I don't have to go far when I find a nectar source (I've told it's Skunk Sumac.) and on it a butterfly I wasn't expecting - the Great Purple Hairstreak. Unfortunately, my camera was focusing on everything but the Hairstreak and it flew. Sure hope it comes back.

Also, nectaring are several Desert Elfins --- camera issues with them too but there are plenty of them and I just kept trying.

I also find a Juniper Hairstreak.

(Not back, one nectar source - 3 different butterflies!!)

There are also many of those Spotted Moths that were flying up on the Grandeur Peak trail the other day.

So after I had my fill of the Desert Elfins, I start to roam up the dirt road and through the Juniper landscape but not seeing much other than this flower. (Kinda looks like a Puccoon but not sure.)

I could keep heading up the foothills but I think it's time to head back to that nectar source - perhaps that Great Purple has returned.

When I arrive, the Great Purple is back!!!!

Nothing better than a two-fer when butterflying (Desert Elfin in the back).

(Good number of Elfins -- definitely over 10.)

Also find, an Anise Swallowtail flying around.

Don't think the Spring White or Orangetip will happen today so time to move on. Go figure, as I head out, I see my Orangetip flying.

Great day - many Elfins, a Juniper Hairstreak (first one for me in Utah) and the Great Purple Hairstreak (also the first one for me in Utah)!!