I start up the trail heading for the waterfall. Love the Red Rocks!
And the green vegetation is sooooo green!! Maybe it's because we're coming out of winter and it's the first real green vegetation I've seen but Wow!
Seeing several smaller lizards along the trail.
But I'm really looking for Orangetip butterflies -- these are a different subspecies than the ones that fly up in the Wasatch Mts near Salt Lake. The Southwest Orangetip have never seen them before.
Until today, I see one flying but not spotting. I see another but flying.
I also see a Mourning Cloak!
And the Elephant Head rock.
Soon I reach the turn off to the waterfall and surprise, the waterfall is all mine!!
And I pass the peace of the falls onto an elderly lady as I leave and continue along the trail and up above the waterfall.
As I continue, I see a cactus with buds.
Soon I reach the stream crossing - hop, hop I'm over.
The remaining part of the trail leads to a pool of water. I've been there before and it's very pretty. But because the water is high, it's the high road over some rocks which I'm just not climbing over today. for a repeat look. Time to head back.
I do follow the creek to almost the edge of the waterfall.
Continuing on, I see a few more Orangetip before one finally lands just long enough to get a photo! Nice!
Awesome stop!
Time to move to the next destination -- the White Reef Trail which is still a part of the conservation area but outside the Red Rock area.