Heading to Antelope Island today to hike the Sentry Trail this morning.
Supposed to be partly sunny with temperatures in the 50s. As I leave my home, it's still cloudy but as I head north, there's sun and blue skies ahead.
When I reach the island, the sun is out over the western and northern sides; hoping the Sentry Trail is in the sun.
Most of the snow from last week is long gone but some does remain on the higher peaks or the shadier areas.
As I head to the Ranch, I see several horses (and their riders) actually trotting down the east side of the island. I've seen riders all the time but never with trotting horses.
I also spot several bison on some of the peaks, a porcupine and the bigger bison herds in their "normal" places this winter.
Other than that, the only other wildlife are a couple of trees filled with blackbirds.
I park at the Ranch and start up the trail with sunny skies - although Salt Lake is still in the clouds.
As I walk towards Mushroom Springs, I'm scanning for animals and actually see a lone pronghorn running west across the meadow.
And he keeps running, eventually crossing the trail
and continuing south west towards the mountains.
There are also 4 bison to the southwest near a peak.
I reach the Springs and turn south and soon start the uphill climb. In the distance ahead of me, I see a small herd of bison.
Soon I reach the long flat switchback, cross it and continue up the rest of the trail to the ridge. Beautiful views to the west from the ridge.
To the east, well it's cloudy.
I head south down the ridge and behind Sentry Peak; no animals to be seen anywhere.
Time to head down. As I'm heading down, I do see a herd of bison to the south. Perhaps, the same herd I saw on the way up.
As I cross that long flat switchback, I hear a coyote howl to the north. It's followed by some yips from the north and below. A couple more repeat howls and yips. There's a break and then one more howl. This time the return howl is far to the north. So fun!
I reach my car and drive back up the island stopping only for the views of the totally flat water along the causeway.
Good day!