Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jan 21 - A snowy White Rock Trail (Antelope Island)

Finally some snow!!! Winter storm dropped 9inches at my house Fri night/Sat morning!! That would typically mean 20+ in the mountains but unfortunately, this was strange storm with the mountains getting only 11 inches. But everything looks so pretty!!!!

Heading out to Antelope Island this morning to enjoy the snow!! Cloudy morning with temps in the mid 20s. It is supposed to get sunny and as I drive north, there's plenty of blue sky to the north.

Unfortunately, when I reach the island, the blue hasn't arrived yet.

I head south towards the Ranch looking for critters and good snowy views. I quickly see a lone bison near the fence line. And another on a ridge. Frary Peak is looking wintery.

Then it's 2 porcupine and then another before I reach the two bison herds in their "normal" spots this winter. The herds look a bit smaller but still big.

Oops, I can't forget the one coyote I see pouncing through the grasses. When I lose him, I turn to find the mate trotting a little behind.

I lose him too but when I move forward I find the first one I saw.

Love seeing coyotes.

I reach the Ranch, turn around and head back north. On the return, I see yet another coyote trotting up a hill.

Good coyote day today!!

As I head over to the west side of the island, I see two mule deer (male/female) in the distance behind the Visitor's Center.

Arriving in the White Rock parking lot, it's still cloudy and in the 20s. I start and it's simply wonderful out!

There is a herd of bison in the distance to the east. And a single bison straight ahead on the hill. He could be a problem for me if he's near the trail but I have to climb to hill to find out.

I'm up the main part of the hill looking back north at Buffalo Point. (The blue sky is still coming but very slowly.)

I don't see that lone bison anymore so he's obviously above the trail; I'm hoping I can sneak by.

I watch above me the whole way up the switchback and I see nothing. As I'm about to turn north and shoot! There's the bison just above me and walking parallel to me. If I hadn't seen him, we'd collide up ahead. But I stop hoping the bison continues by. Unfortunately, he stops too. And we stare at each other from about 20 ft away. He showing no signs of being upset. I wait and when he doesn't move, I continue walking past the bison and then around him on the trail (whew!)

I continue along passing his buddy who is off near the fence line and no bother to me.

Now I should be good unless there are more ahead.

I see what appears to be a hawk fly by.

I continue a bit before I see a couple more bison ahead. These guys are in the rocks and away from the trail so I should be good. I round the corner and I've got problems! There's more bison ahead with them along side the trail on both sides. I stop. They are watching me.

As it stands, I can't get past them safely on the trail or off at this point. What to do, what to do? I don't want to turn around so I hold my ground hoping they will move off to the right. After a few steps ahead and some slapping of my hands, they do start moving right very slowing.

Several tails go up and they stay up so I think they are a bit upset but I wait.

Finally, all but one is on the right side of the trail so I go wide left off trail through the snow around the last bison. Seeing lots of coyote and birds tracks on my trek but I'm finally around and on the trail again (yea!).

Moving along, I soon reach the White Rock meadow -Wonderful!

The sun is peaking out now and will be full sun as the blue skies are just reaching the island!! I head south down the ridge

and start down the inner loop. I look up in time to see 4 bison running down the hill in the distance and there are hikers over there. What a scary experience as the bison run in front of 2 of the hikers and into the valley!

I continue around the inner looping

passing those 4 bison

Here's where they crossed the trail.

Another lone bison and further along, another group of 4 high on a hill.

Soon I reach that herd near the White Rock bay.

Time to head north back to the switchbacks and then to my car. That lone bison I almost ran into, well, he's on the trail now and his buddy is with him.

Awesome day!