Thursday, December 27, 2018

Dec 25 - Zion National Park (The Watchman)

It's Christmas!!

Got to admit when I woke this morning I was hoping to see snow. It was in the forecast last night. But no snow so far this early morning.

Very basic plans today. Walk the Watchman Trail and the Parius Trail along the River.

It's in the mid-30s and very cloudy when I arrive at the park just after 8am. The Watchman's trail head is near the Visitor's Center so I just walk over to the Virgin River

and start up the trail. The trail follows the river for a while before finally heading east towards the rocks.

I reach the "real" trail and start the upward climb. I haven't gone far when I see 7 deer alongside the trail. They are enjoying their Christmas morning breakfast!

They are wild but are very used to people. I walk up to one standing right on the trail and the deer finally moves when I'm about 1-2 feet away. Pretty cool!

I decide to leave them and continue up the trail. I round the corner and I find even more deer! There's got to be 15+ animals.

I continue on up and towards the Watchman.

I've been on this trail before. Probably 10 years ago now. It was March and Zion just had 3-4 inches of snow overnight. It was wonderful with the morning sun. But this trail was snow covered so I just followed the existing footprints. I took them to where they ended. It was far along trail but definitely not the end. Curious to find the end today.

Along the way, I get sleeted on several times as I work my way up the switchbacks always keeping an eye on the views behind me.

and finally round a corner to the right. I'm finally remember being here last time! I had spotted not far after rounded this corner.

I continue around enjoying the foggy views down into/across the canyon.

And I finally reach the end of the trail!! With the views to the east.

 Out towards Springdale.

And out across the valley.

I see a little Canyon Wren hopping along the rocks.

When the sleet picks up, I decide it's time to head down.

Along the way, I see what I think is a Stellar's Jay in the Pine trees.

The deer are still there on my return. Most are now laying down.

As I work my way back to the Visitor's Center, it starts to rain. And rain hard at times. Since my only other plans were to walk the Virgin River, I decide to call it a day. It's a short day but a great day at that!

Merry Christmas!